Safety Materials for the Forest Industry Professional

The OSHA logging regulations require that employers "shall provide training for each employee, including supervisors, at no cost to the employee." The OSHA regulations also call for monthly safety and health meetings for each employee. This on-line catalogue contains many useful resources that will assist logging employers in complying with these training provisions.

These items may also serve as curriculum materials for courses offered by statewide Logger Training and Education (LT&E) programs.

This Guide does not attempt to evaluate or to describe exhaustively the items included. It covers the general characteristics of each item, as represented by the source supplying it, and presents it in an alphabetical listing under the appropriate subject heading. The item's medium (that is, video, handbook, pamphlet, poster, or sticker) is noted in bold, and the source supplying the item is highlighted, so that the reader can click to an address, phone number, or web site through which to place an order.

 Items available from the Forest Resources Association are flagged with FRA's logo which clicks to a printable order form.