Items available from the Forest Resources Association are flagged with FRA's logo which clicks to a printable order form.

CUTTING EDGE OF SAFETY VIDEO; 2001; 17 minutes; training video and guide presents safe techniques to operate and service mechanical felling machines equipped with high-speed disc cutting heads. Available for sale @ $35.00 to FRA members and $70.00 to all others. Stock number 01-A-4. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.
MECHANIZED TIMBER HARVESTING HANDBOOK; 73 pages; covers safe use of saw-chain-based cutting systems in mechanized wood harvesting and processing.
Oregon Cutting Systems Division, available on-line at
Oregon Cutting Systems Division, available on-line at

OSHA LOGGING SAFETY VIDEO AND GUIDE VIDEO; 1995; 70 minutes; instructional video and guide can help logging contractors orient employees on OSHA regulations governing general safety, machine operation, chain saw operation, and vehicle operation. Includes corrections and amendments made to OSHA's Final Rule on Logging Operations in 1995. Training Guide included. Available for sale @ $35.00 to FRA members, $70.00 to all others. Stock number 95-A-15. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

PORTABLE CHIPPER SAFETY PAMPHLET; 1999; safety tips for the safe operation and maintenance of whole tree chippers. Available for sale @ $10.00 per 50 to FRA members, $20.00 per 50 to all others. Stock number 99-A-10. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

PORTABLE GRINDER SAFETY PAMPHLET; 1999; safety tips for the safe operation and maintenance of tub grinders. Available for sale @ $10.00 per 50 to FRA members, $20.00 per 50 to all others. Stock number 99-A-9. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

REVISED LOGGER'S GUIDE TO THE NEW OSHA LOGGING SAFETY STANDARDS HANDBOOK; 1995; 32 pages; explains what logging employers must know to comply with the new OSHA Logging Safety Standards in an easy-to-read format. Includes 1995 revision of OSHA Logging Operations Regulations. Available for sale @ $5.00 to FRA members, $10.00 to all others. Bulk discounts available. Stock number 95-A-14. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

SAFETY IN THE OPERATION HANDBOOK; 1998; 38 pages; safety issues associated with mechanized timber harvesting in Northeastern conditions, but general enough to be useful in other parts of the U.S. Serves as a guide for a mechanized logger in designing a safety and maintenance policy. Available for sale @ $10.00 to FRA members, $20.00 to all others. Stock number 98-A-3. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.
SAWHEAD SAFETY PAMPHLET;1993; covers safe operation of feller-bunchers with sawheads, protection of ground workers and others. Free download, English or Spanish, HERE.
SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS AND OVERHEAD HAZARDS VIDEO; 20 minutes; covers individual responsibility for safety, equipment housekeeping, appropriate PPE for walking/working in the woods and around log decks, job hazards, mounting and dismounting equipment, and overhead hazards awareness. Contact Forestry Mutual Insurance at 800-849-7788 to order.
Forestry Mutual Insurance
Forestry Mutual Insurance

TIMBER HARVESTING SAFETY MANUAL HANDBOOK; 2001; covers general safety recommendations, personal protective equipment, guidelines for hand tools, chain saw, and woods equipment operations. Safety in transportation and emergency care are also included. Available for sale @ $4.00 to FRA members, $8.00 to all others. Bulk discounts available. Stock number 01-A-9. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.