
Items available from the Forest Resources Association are flagged with FRA's logo which clicks to a printable order form.
FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY REGULATIONS WEB SITE; references to all federal DOT regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) section 393 involving the “parts and accessories necessary for safe operation” of commercial motor vehicles.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, click on
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, click on
HARVESTING PROCEDURES: PLANNING & OPERATIONS VIDEO; 2005; 18 minutes; covers pre-harvest activities such as boundary lines, contracts, SMZs, aesthetics, access, etc. then addresses fiber utilization, safety while operating equipment, truck driver placement, and concludes with post-harvest tract cleanup and closure. Video and discussion leader guide available from North Carolina Forestry Association for $99 plus shipping and sales tax OR four video set (Equipment Care and Maintenance, OSHA Regulations, Hazardous Materials Regulations, Harvesting Procedures: Planning & Operations) available for $299 plus shipping and sales tax.
North Carolina Forestry Association
North Carolina Forestry Association
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATIONS VIDEO; 2006; 17 minutes; covers DOT transportation, labeling, licensing and EPA storage requirements. Takes a complex issue and informs loggers what they need to know about handling hazardous materials, including diesel fuel. Video and discussion leader guide available from North Carolina Forestry Association for $99 plus shipping and sales tax OR four video set (Equipment Care and Maintenance, OSHA Regulations, Hazardous Materials Regulations, Harvesting Procedures: Planning & Operations) available for $299 plus shipping and sales tax.
North Carolina Forestry Association
North Carolina Forestry Association

LOG TRAILER STANDARD REFLECTIVE SAFETY STICKERS STICKERS; 3" x 36"; displaying slogan "Work Safely," purpose is to improve log trailer visibility in darkness and to remind log truckers to "look up" for overhead hazards before unbinding their loads. Available for sale @ $4.00 per 10 to FRA members, $6.00 per 10 to all others. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.
PRE-TRIP CHECKLIST PAMPHLET with decal; 1997; checklist for performing pre-trip inspections of log trucks and trailers. Available for sale @ $20.00 per 50 to FRA members, $25.00 per 50 to all others. Stock number 97-A-9. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

PROFESSIONAL FOREST PRODUCTS TRUCKING HANDBOOK; 1999; 47 pages; covers safety and productivity issues surrounding log or chip trucking in Northeastern conditions including driver selection and training, pre-trip inspections, recordkeeping, safe driving techniques, and unique conditions of woods driving. Available for sale @ $15.00 to FRA members, $30.00 to all others. Stock number 99-A-3. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.
PROFESSIONAL TRUCKING OF FOREST PRODUCTS VIDEO AND GUIDE VIDEO; 1997; 25 minutes; covers common causes of highway accidents, how-to-conduct pre- and post-trip inspections, Smith System® of defensive driving, and proper job site planning. Includes workshop instructional materials. Available for sale @ $50.00 by calling 919-834-3943.
North Carolina Forestry Association
North Carolina Forestry Association
"QUICK-CHECK" OFF THE DECK PAMPHLET with decal; 1997; checklist to ensure the safe condition of your truck and load before entering a public highway. Available for sale @ $20.00 per 50 to FRA members, $25.00 per 50 to all others. Stock number 97-A-10. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.
SAFE EQUIPMENT TRANSPORT VIDEO; 24 minutes; covers safe loading and unloading, correct tie-down techniques, and tips for transporting in varying road and weather conditions. Available for sale (VHS or DVD) in English for $46.91 plus shipping. Stock number DGDVD95835.
SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS AND OVERHEAD HAZARDS VIDEO; 20 minutes; covers individual responsibility for safety, equipment housekeeping, appropriate PPE for walking/working in the woods and around log decks, job hazards, mounting and dismounting equipment, and overhead hazards awareness. Contact Forestry Mutual Insurance at 800-849-7788 to order.
Forestry Mutual Insurance
Forestry Mutual Insurance

TIMBER HARVESTING SAFETY MANUAL HANDBOOK; 2001; covers general safety recommendations, personal protective equipment, guidelines for hand tools, chain saw, and woods equipment operations. Safety in transportation and emergency care are also included. Available for sale @ $4.00 to FRA members, $8.00 to all others. Bulk discounts available. Stock number 01-A-9. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

TRANSPORTATION REGULATIONS HANDBOOK; 2005; 29 pages; summarizes key federal regulations for those who transport forest products and logging equipment include: CDLs, truck inspections, hazardous materials, HOS, cargo securement and more. Available for sale @ $20.00 to FRA members, $40.00 to all others. Stock number 05-A-3 (click here for a printable order form).
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

WOODS ROAD SAFETY VIDEO; 2005; 17 minutes; covers the risks and the skills needed for safe off-highway driving in the north woods. Available for sale (VHS or DVD) @ $25.00 to FRA members, $50.00 to all others. Stock number 05-A-6 (click here for a printable order form).
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.