Items available from the Forest Resources Association are flagged with FRA's logo which clicks to a printable order form.

LOGGING EQUIPMENT FIRE PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION HANDBOOK; 1991; 22 pages; covers fire prevention measures operators can take, and safe fire suppression methods to stop logging equipment fires. Available for sale @ $5.00 to FRA members, $10.00 to all others. Stock number 91-A-2. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

REVISED LOGGER'S GUIDE TO THE NEW OSHA LOGGING SAFETY STANDARDS HANDBOOK; 1995; 32 pages; explains what logging employers must know to comply with the new OSHA Logging Safety Standards in an easy-to-read format. Includes 1995 revision of OSHA Logging Operations Regulations. Available for sale @ $5.00 to FRA members, $10.00 to all others. Bulk discounts available. Stock number 95-A-14. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.
SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS AND OVERHEAD HAZARDS VIDEO; 20 minutes; covers individual responsibility for safety, equipment housekeeping, appropriate PPE for walking/working in the woods and around log decks, job hazards, mounting and dismounting equipment, and overhead hazards awareness. Contact Forestry Mutual Insurance at 800-849-7788 to order.
Forestry Mutual Insurance
Forestry Mutual Insurance

TIMBER HARVESTING SAFETY MANUAL HANDBOOK; 2001; covers general safety recommendations, personal protective equipment, guidelines for hand tools, chain saw, and woods equipment operations. Safety in transportation and emergency care are also included. Available for sale @ $4.00 to FRA members, $8.00 to all others. Bulk discounts available. Stock number 01-A-9. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.