The National Timber Harvesting and Transportation Safety (THATS) Foundation is a charitable 501(c)3 organization administered by the Forest Resources Association. Established in 1991, the mission of the Foundation is "to promote, support, and serve as a catalyst for safe and professional work attitudes, practices, and conditions in timber harvesting and transportation." For a brochure with more information, please click here. (Adobe®Acrobat®Reader, available at no charge from Adobe, is necessary to view)
The Forest Resources Association (FRA) is a national trade association concerned with the safe, efficient, and sustainable harvest of forest products and their transport from the woods to the mill. Established as the American Pulpwood Association over 75 years ago, FRA has a long history of working to improve the safety of the forst work environment.
FRA members are wood consumers (sawmills, pulp and paper mills, and biomass-consuming mills), wood suppliers (wood dealers, independent logging & trucking contractors), forest landowners and consultants, and businesses that provide services and equipment to forest resource-based industries.
The Forest Resources Association offers many logging safety training materials like Timber Harvesting Safety and The OSHA Logging Safety Video & Companion Guide. Many statewide logger continuing education programs use FRA-produced training materials in their safety courses. Safety Alerts are used by loggers in their monthly safety meetings with employees. FRA staffs two regional safety committees (Southwide Safety and Northeastern Safety & Training), in addition to serving as secretariat for the National Timber Harvesting and Transportation Safety Foundation.
The Foundation awards grants each year to non-profit organizations to help fund worthy logging safety-related projects and activities. The National THATS Foundation has awarded over $675,000 to 131 organizations since 1991. For more information about the Foundation's grant program, including information on applying for a grant, please contact Jeff Jenkins at 740-352-6425 or jjenkins@forestresources.org
a. 2022, PA SFI SIC -A grant to upgrade to an online logger training platform.
b. 2020, TEAM Safe Trucking - Driver Training Curriculum Development. $10,000
c. 2019, TEAM Safe Trucking - Driver Training Curriculum Development. $15,000
d. 2018, TEAM Safe Trucking - Driver Training Curriculum Development. $5,000
e. 2016, North Carolina Forestry Association - Video.
f. 2012, North Carolina Forestry Association – Video “Be Seen, Be Safe, Be Alive.” $7,500.00
g. 2011, Minnesota Logger Education – Video “Woodyard Safety.” $8,000.00.
If you would like to make a contribution to the Foundation, please click here to download and print-out a form and send it with your donation (check or credit card) to:
National Timber Harvesting and Transportation Safety Foundation
c/o Forest Resources Association Inc.
1901 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 1007
Washington, D.C. 20006
Donations are deductible as contributions to a charitable 501(c)3 organization.