Items available from the Forest Resources Association are flagged with FRA's logo which clicks to a printable order form.

COACHING THE PROFESSIONAL LOGGER VIDEO; 2004; 25 minutes; stresses importance of safety to logging “teams” and how to execute the safety “game plan” to improve team performance. Available for sale (VHS or DVD) @ $25.00 to FRA members, $50.00 to all others. Stock number 04-A-1. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

GARAGE SITE SAFETY HANDBOOK; 2004, 44 pages; focuses on the most common types of activities conducted at a garage site and how to maintain a safe and productive work place. Available for sale @ $15.00 to FRA members, $30.00 to all others. Stock number 04-A-3 (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

OSHA LOGGING OPERATIONS REGULATIONS HANDBOOK; 1996; 24 pages, condensed format "field guide" intended to serve as a brief on-the-job reference booklet on the OSHA Logging Safety Standard for logging employees. Available for sale @ $2.00 to FRA members, $4.00 to all others. Bulk discounts available. Stock number 96-A-3. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

OSHA LOGGING SAFETY VIDEO AND GUIDE VIDEO; 1995; 70 minutes; instructional video and guide can help logging contractors orient employees on OSHA regulations governing general safety, machine operation, chain saw operation, and vehicle operation. Includes corrections and amendments made to OSHA's Final Rule on Logging Operations in 1995. Training Guide included. Available for sale @ $35.00 to FRA members, $70.00 to all others. Stock number 95-A-15. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.
OSHA'S VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE OUTREACH PROGRAM WEB SITE; OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) offers employers the ability to work in partnership with OSHA to set up comprehensive safety management programs at the workplace. Visit
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Occupational Safety & Health Administration

REDUCING MACHINE OPERATOR FATIGUE PAMPHLET; 1999; shows stretching exercises designed to reduce fatigue in machine operators. Available for sale @ $10.00 per 50 to FRA members, $20.00 per 50 to all others. Stock number 99-A-1. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

TIMBER HARVESTING SAFETY MANUAL HANDBOOK; 2001; covers general safety recommendations, personal protective equipment, guidelines for hand tools, chain saw, and woods equipment operations. Safety in transportation and emergency care are also included. Available for sale @ $4.00 to FRA members, $8.00 to all others. Bulk discounts available. Stock number 01-A-9. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

WOODLANDS SAFETY: LEARNING FROM CLOSE CALLS HANDBOOK; 1996; 20 pages; presents a methodology for using "close call" accidents as opportunities for logging businesses to identify unsafe acts and prevent them from continuing - before there are serious consequences. Available for sale @ $5.00 to FRA members, $10.00 to all others. Bulk discounts available. Stock number 96-A-5. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.