Items available from the Forest Resources Association are flagged with FRA's logo which clicks to a printable order form.
BRUSHCUTTER SAFETY MANUAL HANDBOOK; describes correct and safe operating practices when using brushcutters and trimmers. English and Spanish versions available. Stock number 0457-187-3021.
Stihl Inc., or download .pdf file from
Stihl Inc., or download .pdf file from

EFFECTIVE SMOKE MANAGEMENT PLANNING PAMPHLET; 1987; 13 pages; covers burning as a forest management tool including site preparation, safe use of prescribed fire. Available for sale @ $2.00 to FRA members, $4.00 to all others. Stock number 87-A-15. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.
LOGGING ROAD CONSTRUCTION VIDEO; 1987; 40 minutes; describes main events in logging road construction and discusses appropriate equipment for each phase. Available free from
Oregon State University HERE.
Oregon State University HERE.

SAFE SITE PREPARATION PROCEDURES HANDBOOK; 2000; 22 pages; guide to safety and accident prevention in site preparation work.) Available for sale @ $3.00 to FRA members, $6.00 to all others. Stock number 00-A-10. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.

SAFE TREE PLANTING PROCEDURES HANDBOOK; 2000; 13 pages; guide to safety and accident prevention in hand and mechanical tree planting work. Available for sale @ $3.00 to FRA members, $6.00 to all others. Stock number 00-A-11. (click here for a printable order form)
Forest Resources Association Inc.
Forest Resources Association Inc.